House and location

The Wälderhof in Kinzigtal

Zell am Harmersbach

Our farm is located in Zell am Harmersbach in Kinzigtal , of the Black Forest, southern Germany. The farm is located 4 km from the city in a quiet forest location at an altitude of 560m / u . M. , about 40Km away from Freiburg . We belong to the holiday region Brandkopf . Zell am Harmersbach is a certified hiking location .

The Wälderhof, The house is located near the forest, quite forest edge

The Wälderhof
the house is located in quite forest edge

The Wälderhof family Armbruster in Zell am Harmersbach

The Wälderhof family Armbruster in Zell am Harmersbach

At home starting beautiful hiking trails and mountain bike routes

At home starting beautiful hiking trails and mountain bike routes

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