
There is no boredom on the Wälderhof

Near to the Holiday flats there is a big playground.

We have the full program:

  • Table tennis

  • Table Foodball

  • Swing

  • Two slides

  • Two playhouse

  • Large trampoline

  • Two sandbox

  • Toys

  • Several pedal tractors and pedal cars

  • Toy Vehicles

  • Several wheels and tricycles

  •  there is also a children's tractor with petrol engine which driving under supervision
Playground with swings and playhouse

Playground with swings and playhouse

Large trampoline and playhouse

Large trampoline and playhouse

in summer play cottage with slide and swimming pool

in summer play cottage with slide and swimming pool

Kindertraktor mit 4-Takt-Motor

Kindertraktor mit 4-Takt-Motor

Playhouse with slide

Playhouse with slide

Lots of slide and pedal cars

Lots of slide and pedal cars

children vehicles

children vehicles

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